The Need For Daycare Centers
Running a daycare business is more than just a likely evolution from babysitting or care giving. In owning or managing a daycare business, you are required to perform several functions: as owner, manager, principal, teacher, and human resources, all in one.
Every community is in need of a professional childcare. This need for daycare is projected to rise to an even greater number as more parents enter or rejoin the workforce. The National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies states, that 65% of mothers in America with kids below five years old are in the labor force. The increase or expansion of the workforce explains in part the reason why more women are more empowered to do a whole lot more as compared to before and appropriately so. However on the downbeat side, this has also been the cause of the rise in the number of divorces in the society, and pushes homes run by single parents to call for the services of a day care center. In the past, the mother used to stay home with the children. But nowadays, this is not often the case. Either out of necessity for extra finances or due to the drive to become a business person, more mothers; the conventional stay at home parents, are veering to the workforce. Children, who are in pre-school or younger and smaller children that cannot be left alone in the house, are your target with regards to the age of those that you would accommodate in your daycare business. Add to that, young children specifically those below 12 years old who need to be taken cared of before or after school. With the aforementioned examples, we can conclude, that the necessity for a daycare is ever enhanced. So if you |
A daycare is a good business to be in, you can make alot of money.
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